We have an established public reputation of being synonymous with best standards, and we have a number of practicesand procedures which enable us to maintain this status.



The IAPCCT (International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists) certifies quality training standards that emphasize professional ethics.

By holding yourself as accountable and responsible you can gain public trust and gain client confidence in your services.

All IAPCCT (International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists) members have a responsibility to themselves and to their trainees to maintain their own effectiveness and ability to work with trainees. They should monitor their own personal functioning and seek help and/or withdraw from training, whether temporarily or permanently, when their personal resources are insufficient to support their continued effectiveness.

All IAPCCT members should commit themselves to continuing professional development as trainers. They are required to regularly monitor their training work and be able and willing to account to trainees and colleagues for what they do and why, and evaluate the limits of their competence.

All IAPCCT (International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists) professionals are responsible for establishing a contract for confidential working which makes explicit the responsibilities of both trainers and trainees. Trainers must not exploit their trainees emotionally, financially, sexually, or in any other way, and are responsible for establishing and maintaining appropriate boundaries between themselves and trainees so that working relationships are not confused with other relationships.

Any discussion by IAPCCT professionals of their trainees or former trainees with colleagues must be purposeful, not trivializing, and relevant to the training. Trainers are expected to avoid making disparaging remarks regarding other training organisations or trainers when discussing training programmes with trainees. All IAPCCT (International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists) members must not use in their training or caused to be used any licensed material for which they have not fulfilled all the license conditions.

All IAPCCT (International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists) professionals have a responsibility to encourage and facilitate the self-development of trainees. Trainees must be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. Trainees who may be having difficulties are to be identified and offered appropriate additional support.

All IAPCCT (International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists) professionals must ensure that trainees receive regular feedback on their work and that self and peer assessment is encouraged at regular intervals.

Only with the trainees’ prior permission and with anonymity preserved the information about specific trainees or former trainees may be used for publication or in meetings.

All IAPCCT (International Association of Professional Coaches, Counselors, and Therapists) members are responsible for observing the embodied principles and standards. They must introduce trainees to these principles and standards at an early stage in the training course. In case of any breach, IAPCCT may hold them accountable and instigate action under their Complaints and Disciplinary procedure. This action may result in the loss of IAPCCT membership.